Health electrolytes – 5 simple recipes for more energy and health
In this article, I share simple recipes for homemade electrolyte drinks and explain why these minerals are so important – and my recipes are not only for people in cancer therapy – the recipes are for anyone who wants to live healthily.

Hello dears,
during my diagnosis of breast cancer I realized how important it is to pay attention to your own diet. In particular the supply of electrolytes played a decisive role in my well-being. In fact I was very often dehydrated due to the side effects of my chemotherapy and that wasn´t a nice thing. It was difficult for me but I was looking for solutions and her I have five recipes that really helped me.
Why are electrolytes important?
Electrolytes are minerals that are responsible for many important functions in the body. They help to maintain the balance of body fluids, support muscle function and ensure nerve communication. The most important electrolytes include:
Sodium: Regulates the water balance and supports nerve function.
Potassium: Important for muscle function and blood pressure.
Magnesium: Helps with muscle relaxation and energy production.
Calcium: Decisive for bone health and muscle contraction.
Especially during a cancer therapy, dehydration can easily occur, which increases the importance of these minerals. The right electrolytes can help to stabilize energy levels and promote overall well-being. And in my case the electrolytes helped me to stabilize myself better.
Simple recipes for homemade electrolyte drinks
Here are some recipes that are not only helpful during a cancer therapy, but also for those who want to support their health. I have listed to each recipe the most important electrolytes and their benefits.
1. RECIPE: Lemon electrolyte drink
Ingredients: 1 liter of water, juice of 1-2 lemons, 1/2 teaspoon sea salt, 2-3 tablespoons of honey or agave juice
Preparation: Mix all ingredients well and store them in a jug in the refrigerator.
Benefits: The sea salt provides valuable sodium, which helps to regulate the water balance. The lemons, on the other hand, are a good source of potassium, which is important for muscle function. And also magnesium and calcium are included in small amounts that support muscle and bone health.
2. RECIPE: Ginger-Cined tea
Ingredients : 1 liter of water, 1 piece of fresh ginger (approx. 5 cm), peeled and sliced, juice of one lemon, 2 tablespoons of honey
Preparation: Bring the water to a boil with the ginger and simmer for 10 minutes. Add lemon juice and honey.
Benefits: The lemon supplies the body with potassium and ginger contains magnesium, which is important for muscle relaxation. In addition, ginger has an anti-inflammatory property that can be helpful during therapy.
3. RECIPE: Cucumber-Mint Water
Ingredients : 1 liter of water, 1/2 cucumber cut into slices, a handful of fresh mint leaves, 2 tablespoons of lemon juice
Preparation: Mix water, cucumbers and mint into a jug or bottle and leave in the refrigerator for at least an hour.
Benefits: Cucumbers are rich in potassium, which contributes to the regulation of blood pressure. In addition, the cucumber has a high water content and helps to maintain the fluid balance.
4. RECIPE: Berry-Electrolyte drink
Ingredients : 1 litre of water, 100 g of fresh or frozen berries (e.g. raspberries, strawberries), 1/2 TL sea salt, 2 tablespoons honey
Preparation: Lightly crush the berries in the water, then add the other ingredients and stir well.
Benefits: Berries contain potassium that is important for muscle function. They are also rich in antioxidants that support the immune system and fight inflammation.
5. RECIPE: Salty vegetable broth
Ingredients: 1 liter of water, 1 carrot, diced, 1 celery stick, diced, 1 onion, diced, 1 sTL sea salt, herbs of your choice (e.g. Thyme, parsley)
Preparation: Bring all the ingredients in a pot to a boil and then simmer for 30 minutes.
Benefits: The sea salt provides valuable sodium to regulate the water balance. The vegetables, especially celery and carrots, provide potassium. Overall, this broth is nutritious and supports overall health.
Enjoyable support for your wellbeing!
Electrolytes are not only important for health, but can also be tasty. I hope that my recipes will taste good to you and help you meet your fluid needs while providing your body with important minerals.
Enjoy tasting my recipes and enjoy the beneficial effect! If you want to search for more healthy recipes or share your experiences, I’m happy to hear a subscription or comment on Instagram!